Driving traffic to your website and increasing click-through rates (CTR) is crucial for online success in the digital age. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by crafting SEO-friendly headings.

A well-optimized heading not only attracts readers but also signals search engines about the content of your page, improving its visibility in search results. Headings also play a significant role in the page’s overall structure, making it easier for readers to scan and navigate.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through some tips and tricks for writing SEO-friendly headings to help you increase traffic and CTR. Whether you’re creating a blog post, an article, or a product page, the following information will benefit you. So, scroll down to know more!

What is CTR?

Click-through rate, commonly known as CTR, is a fundamental metric in digital marketing that gauges the success of an online advertising campaign. It represents the percentage of people who click on a specific link out of the total number of people who view the page, email, or advertisement it’s placed in.

CTR is used to evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns, including email marketing, search engine advertising, and display advertising. A higher CTR indicates that more people who see your ad click it, suggesting that your marketing efforts effectively capture the audience’s attention.

CTR is calculated using the following formula:

CTR = (Total Clicks on Ad / Total Impressions) * 100%

For example, if an ad were shown 1000 times and received 50 clicks, the CTR would be (50/1000)*100% = 5%.

By optimizing for CTR, you can ensure that your ad campaigns reach the right people and influence their decisions. It’s important to note that while having a high CTR is beneficial, it should also result in conversions, as the ultimate goal should be to turn leads into customers.

What is good CTR for Google SERP?

Click-through rate (CTR) for Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) can vary significantly depending on the position of the listing. According to research data from 2023, the average CTR for the first organic ranking position on Google is approximately 39.8%, more than double the CTR for the second position.

However, it’s important to note that even within the first page of Google SERP, the average number of organic results varies between 8.5 and 8.7 listings. But being on the first page doesn’t necessarily guarantee a high CTR.

The average CTRs for Google search results can range between 3% to 30%, depending on the position. The average reasonable click-through rate for Google AdWords paid search results is about 2%. Across all industries, the average CTR in Google Ads is 1.91% on the search.

How to write SEO-friendly headlines that drive traffic and CTR?

Writing SEO-friendly headlines is a great way to drive traffic and increase CTR. Here are some tips to help you craft effective, SEO-friendly headings:

  1. Use Numbers In Title Tags: Numbers can make your title stand out and help convey your message. For example, if you write an article on SEO strategies, a title such as “7 Proven SEO Strategies To Increase Traffic and CTR” will be more attractive than just “SEO Strategies.” Generally, there are five ways to write headlines that use numbers:
  • Lists of solutions or steps (e.g., “7 Strategies To Boost Your SEO”)
  • Comparisons (e.g., “3 Reasons Why Professional SEO Beats DIY SEO”)
  • Statistics (e.g., “90% of People Click On Headlines With Numbers in Them”)
  • Checklists (Timelines (e.g., “Step-By-Step Guide To SEO in 30 Days”)

Moreover, incorporating numbers into your title tags can help you receive more clicks than those that do not. Research has found that titles with numbers have an average of 36% higher click-through rate than titles without them. Also, numbers in a headline may make it easier for readers to understand the content and follow the instructions mentioned in the article.

  1. Keep Headlines Short and Descriptive: Make sure your titles are short and descriptive enough to explain the content of your article clearly. Longer headlines may get cut off in search engine results pages (SERPs). Also, shorter headings are easier to read and more likely to capture readers’ attention than longer ones. For example;
  • Short: “7 Proven SEO Strategies”
  • Long: “7 Proven Strategies To Improve Your SEO Rankings Quickly”

A shorter headline is more likely to get noticed by both search engines and readers. Furthermore, ensure your titles are not too vague or general, as they are less likely to attract clicks from readers. Try to include descriptive words that accurately describe the content of your article.

  1. Leverage Power Words In Headlines: Power words are persuasive, emotional words that trigger a positive or negative response. They can make your headlines more compelling and increase click-through rates. For example, words like “Ultimate,” “Free,” “New,” “Proven,” “Instant,” and “Exclusive” can create intrigue and push readers to click on your content. The key is to use these words sparingly and in the proper context for maximum impact.

Furthermore, according to research, headlines that include “you” have higher click-through rates than those without it. Therefore, adding an element of personalization to your titles can help you get more clicks from readers.

  1. Try Something Different From Your Competitors: Trying something different from your competitors is a strategic way to gain a competitive edge. This could involve providing superior customer service, addressing unique customer pain points, or implementing innovative business practices. For instance, you could launch a product with a unique feature that none of your competitors offer. Alternatively, you could adopt a bold and controversial marketing approach, stirring conversation and setting your brand apart. The key is to understand your market, identify opportunities for differentiation, and have the courage to break from the norm.
  1. Use Keywords in Your Headlines: Include relevant keywords related to your topic in your headlines. This helps search engines understand the content of your article and rank it higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, including keywords in titles can help you attract the right readers to your content, as they are likelier to click on relevant headlines.

Include only one or two keywords in your headline, and use them naturally. Also, avoid keyword stuffing or using unrelated keywords in titles. This can lead to lower rankings and even penalties from search engines. For example;

  • Relevant: “7 Proven SEO Strategies To Increase Traffic and CTR”
  • Unrelated: “7 Proven Strategies To Increase Traffic and CTR With SEO Marketing”
  1. Know Your Target Audience:

Knowing your target audience is pivotal to the success of your marketing efforts. This means understanding their demographics, preferences, pain points, and behaviors. For example, if you’re selling a tech gadget aimed at seniors, your marketing strategy should consider their comfort level with technology and how your product can help simplify their lives. By knowing your audience, you can tailor your message and approach to resonate with them, ultimately leading to better engagement and higher conversion rates.

  1. Being Specific and Making a Promise: Crafting a headline that outlines the content’s offer can significantly enhance its effectiveness. For instance, an explicit headline like “Improve Your Website’s SEO in 30 Days” promises a tangible benefit. It clarifies to readers what they will gain from your content, thereby increasing their interest and engagement levels. It also sets a time-bound goal, creating a sense of urgency and anticipation.
  1. Use Questions in Your Headlines: Questions can be very effective in headlines because they engage the reader’s mind. When we see a question, our brain instinctively thinks about an answer. This engagement makes us more likely to click on the link to find out more. For example, “What Are the Best SEO Strategies for 2023?” is a headline that could generate interest and clicks. Also, make sure to avoid these mistakes:
  • Don’t mislead readers with the content: Your headline should accurately describe the article’s contents.
  • Avoid clickbait headlines: Clickbait tactics such as sensationalizing or exaggerating a story can hurt your reputation and lead to fewer clicks.
  • Don’t overuse exclamation marks: Too many can make your headline look like spam and turn off readers.
  1. Capitalize on Curiosity Gap: Capitalizing on the curiosity gap involves creating a headline that sparks intrigue without revealing too much information, compelling readers to click through to your content to satisfy their curiosity. This tactic leverages human nature’s inherent desire for knowledge and resolution. Here’s how you can do it:
  • Tease Information: Provide just enough information to arouse interest but not enough to give away the whole story. For example, “The Little-Known SEO Strategy That Skyrocketed Our Traffic.”
  • Create Suspense: Use words that suggest mystery or intrigue, such as “secret,” “surprising,” or “unexpected.” For instance, “The Unexpected Way We Doubled Our Website Traffic.”
  • Use Cliffhangers: Like a suspenseful movie, leave your audience hanging at the edge of their seat, eager for more. A headline like “You Won’t Believe What Happened When We Changed Our SEO Strategy…” can be very compelling.
  1. Understanding and Following Search Intent: The rationale behind a user’s specific search, termed as search intent, is crucial in shaping your content and its headline. Comprehending and matching your headline with the search intent can draw more pertinent traffic, fostering better user experience and satisfaction. For instance, if a user’s intent is learning about SEO practices, a headline like “Top SEO Practices for Optimizing Your Website” would be highly relevant and appealing.
  1. Optimizing for Featured Snippets: Featured snippets are concise answers to search queries showcased at the top of Google’s search results, often boosting click-through rates significantly. To optimize your headlines for these snippets, aim to answer prevalent questions related to your topic. This approach increases the likelihood of your content being selected as a featured snippet, providing higher visibility and credibility. For example, a headline like “Why is Digital Marketing Important for Businesses?” directly answers a common query and could potentially feature in the snippets.

Best SEO Practices For Title Tags

Title tags are crucial in SEO as they directly impact search rankings, user experience, and click-through rates. Here are four best practices for optimizing your title tags:

  1. Incorporate Relevant Keywords: Including target keywords in your title tags helps search engines understand what your page is about and improves your visibility for those search terms. For instance, if you’re writing about “vegan recipes,” ensure those words appear in your title tag.
  2. Keep It Concise: Search engines typically display the first 50-60 characters of a title tag. Keeping your titles within this range ensures that they aren’t truncated in search results, providing a better user experience.
  3. Make It Engaging: Your title tag is often the first thing potential visitors see in search results. Crafting an engaging, compelling title can entice users to click on your link. For example, instead of “Vegan Recipes,” a more engaging title might be “Delicious Vegan Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle.”
  4. Avoid Duplicate Titles: Each page on your website should have a unique title tag. Duplicate titles can confuse search engines and negatively impact your SEO. Find ways to differentiate each title if you have similar content on multiple pages. For instance, if you have separate pages for vegan breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes, make sure each title reflects the specific content of its page.

Why does Google change Title Tags on SERP?

For several reasons, Google changes Title Tags on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Here’s why:

  1. Relevance to User Queries: Google aims to provide users with the most relevant search results. If it determines that a page’s title tag does not accurately reflect the content or align well with a user’s query, Google may rewrite it to match the search intent better.
  2. Optimization of Length: The length of a title tag can influence its display in SERPs. If a title tag is too long, Google might truncate or rewrite it to fit within its preferred character range. Similarly, if a title tag is too short, Google might add relevant information to make it more descriptive.
  3. Quality Improvement: Google tends to rewrite title tags that it considers generic, irrelevant, or keyword-stuffed. By doing so, Google aims to improve the quality of the titles displayed in SERPs, making them more valuable and appealing to users.
  4. Use of H1 Tags: In some cases, Google replaces a page’s title tag with its H1 tag in the SERPs. This typically happens when the H1 tag is deemed more relevant or descriptive of the page content.
  5. Reduction of Duplicates: When multiple web pages have title tags that are too similar, Google may rewrite them to differentiate them from each other and eliminate duplicate titles. This helps ensure a better user experience and prevent confusion when searching.


Optimizing your website’s titles and title tags is paramount for achieving better rankings, higher click-through rates, and improved user experience. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, you can create compelling titles that attract more readers and drive organic traffic to your website. Remember that SEO best practices are constantly changing; by regularly monitoring trends and adjusting accordingly, you can ensure your titles are always up-to-date and effective.